Monday, February 26, 2007

Chavez's buying spree

Guess which nation is the largest weapons buyer in Latin America?


I have nothing against a nation properly supplying a well-trained military, especially in a region of the world constantly battling Marxist guerillas, narcotics cartels, and reactionary death squads. The problem I see is Venezuela's, I mean, Chavez's irresponsibility. Chavez is friendly with WMD proliferators and subsidizes brutal tyrants from Cuba to Massachusetts.

The scorecard:

...more than $US4 billion ($A5.05 billion) over the past two years...
...dozens of fighter jets and attack helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov
assault rifles...
...Venezuela's escalation of arms spending, up 12.5 per cent in
Since 2005, Venezuela has signed contracts with Russia for 24 Sukhoi
fighter jets, 50 transport and attack helicopters, and 100,000 assault

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Private propety is safe (for now)

Chavez has no plans to eliminate private property.

In a normal country that is not a denial that needs to be made.

"While preserving private property, a revised Constitution would also protect
"social" and "collective" property, like the country's large oil reserves,
Chávez said, without giving further details."

There are multiple kinds of property, according to Chavez. These include, in addition to private property are, social and collective property.

In other news, Chavez questions the Venezuelan Central Bank's method of determining inflation and disputes the rate of poverty for his country (18.4% last month and 39.7% at the end of 2005, respectively). Such numbers aren't valid in Venezuela, you see. In the fantasy realm of Chavez, poverty rates are fictitious numbers created to denigrate his country and his "socialism". Inflation numbers are tools of evil capitalists to harm the "revolution".

Hugo Chavez Watch Official Video Spot

Please spread this around!

Friday, February 23, 2007

From student to master

It certainly does appear that Hugo Chavez’s visits to Fidel Castro’s beside have involved more than changing bed pans and wheeling the old guy out for some sun. Clearly there has also been some Master-Grasshopper tutelage going on, perhaps while swabbing the bed sores. Why, in just the last few weeks we’ve seen Hugo clamp down on political opposition, start issuing laws by decree, appoint himself Grocer in Chief, nationalize the red shirt manufacturing industry, etc., etc. We’ve also witnessed him use the time-honored commie rationalization of declaring that his thuggery is for the “people” and/or the “revolution.”

Well yesterday he further showed off his dictatorial chops with some old-school paranoid ranting. From the AP:

Hugo Chavez Accuses U.S. of Plan to Wreck Venezuelan Economy

CARACAS, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez warned that the U.S. government, allegedly frustrated by failed assassination plots against him, was now planning to sabotage the oil-producing country's economy.Chavez, speaking Thursday on his newly scheduled prime-time TV talk show, predicted that "one of the fiercest battle fronts" was coming ahead as Washington readied to destroy Venezuela economically.

He said that recent comments by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accusing Chavez of "destroying" his country's economy meant that "the imperialist plan of the moment" had turned to economic sabotage."

(That's) one of the plans. The other is assassination," he said, reiterating past claims that the U.S. government is plotting to kill him. "We've neutralized various attempts, and I have faith we will continue neutralizing them. But they won't rest."

Chavez said that recent urgings by President Bush for his country to reduce its oil dependency on unfriendly nations, including Venezuela, meant that Venezuela was already on "the drawing table" and Washington was laying its plans.

Great stuff, huh? To summarize…By offering the opinion that Hugo is ruining Venezuela’s economy, Secretary Rice was really stating that the US will do the wrecking with its “imperialist plan of the moment” because so many assassination attempts have failed. And this sabotage plan is laid bare through President Bush’s goal of reducing oil purchases from countries which hate the US. Or more concisely, Hugo is in effect saying, “You can’t buy oil elsewhere! I need your money to keep calling you the Devil and fly first class to Tehran!! Imperialist jackals!! Buy Venezuelan!!” Or something to that effect.

Fidel must be so proud of his little grasshopper.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Did Chavez rig elections?

From a New York Sun article:

Hugo Chavez may have lost both the recall referendum in 2004 and the December 2006 presidential election, according to studies conducted by a distinguished multidisciplinary team in Caracas, Venezuela. The team includes the rector of Universidad Simon Bolivar, Frederick Malpica, and a former rector of the National Electoral Council, Alfredo Weil.

Astonishing as it may seem to Americans who believe the contention by Mr. Chavez that he won both elections by a landslide - 58% to 42% in the recall and 61% to 39% in the presidential election - the studies show that since 2003, Mr. Chavez has added 4.4 million favorable names to the voter list and "migrated" 2.6 million unfavorable voters to places where it was difficult or impossible for them to vote.

There was a report during the campaigning in Venezuela of Chavez's state run petroleum company blacklisting those that didn't support him. If it were to come out that his re-election were rigged, it would only be par for the course.

H/T: Greg Reeson

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I'm making a few changes on the blog, so things might look a little different. Don't fret.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What's the price of a gallon of milk? Ask Hugo!!

Feeding (as it were) off mgraves' last post....

Here are the AP's lead graphs on the supermarket story:

CARACAS, Venezuela -- President Hugo Chavez threatened Wednesday to nationalize any privately owned supermarkets and food storage facilities caught hoarding inventories or violating price controls imposed on basic goods.

Accusing private companies of hoarding beef and other foods, Chavez warned supermarket owners and distributors that he would nationalize their facilities as soon as they gave him "an excuse."

If they remain committed to violating the interests of the people, the constitution, the laws, I'm going to take the food storage units, corner stores, supermarkets and nationalize them," Chavez said during a televised broadcast. "So prepare yourselves!"

You know the first thought I had when I read that? Kulaks. What, or who, are they? The Wiki entry is here. The short answer is that they were Russians in the 1920s-30s who grew food and ate it. So they were killed. Why? Because they were hoarding and thereby violating the interests of the people. At least that's what the forebears of Hugo Chavez said.

Grocery stores up next

Chavez now wants to nationalize grocery stores. Not exactly a high profit industry.

Venezuela continues to spiral down, under the jackboot of Chavez.

Middle Class flight

Venezuelans capable of fleeing the country are starting to do so amid fears of a Chavez dictatorship. U.S. visa inquiries have doubled over the last several weeks. The U.K. reports a similar rise.

A website for would-be emigrants — (I want to —
reports that since Mr Chavez's December 3 election win, and his announcement
last month that he would nationalise the telecommunications and electricity
industries, its daily visits have soared from 20,000 to 60,000.
"Older people leave because they are concerned about the future of their
families," said Mr Barreiro, a graphic designer, "and younger people like us
leave because there is no future."

Chavez's promise of a perfect socialism is apparently not embraced by everyone.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nationalization in Latin America

Bolivia's little Chavez moves ahead of Venezuela's Chavez in the industry nationalization race.

Chavez felt the need to pay for his first acquistion, but while the terms of Morales' appropriation haven't been disclosed as of yet, they are likely not as generous as those Chavez granted to the American company he "bought" out.

There is something to be said for being a nation willing to use force: when flea-bitten dictators take your property, they feel compelled to pay for it (0n occasion).

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Communism: wrecking economies for over 100 years.

At least they're paying for the electric company they plan to nationalize. I can't say I blame Paul Hanrahan for selling out, if he waits he's liable to lose everything.

Obviously Chavez hasn't been studying his history of the Islamic revolution, or he'd know that he can just unilaterally take over inconvenient (or profitable) industries.

Good to know minority owner will have the option of selling their shares to Chavez...I mean the Venezuelan government.

This is just the start of Chavez's planned industry nationalizations.

It's nice to see two friends getting along

Direct flights from Iran to Venezuela will commence next month.

Luckily, Iran doesn't have anything to do with terrorism. Luckily, Venezuela isn't in our backyard, making passage for potential terrorists a little bit easier.


Nothing wrong with global connectedness. The problem lies in each regime's irresponsibility and oppression of their own people, which, when combined with each nation's missionary zeal, makes for a rather volitile situation.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I'd rather not be President Alvaro Uribe. He's surrounded by Chavez acolytes. He faces leftist terrorists. He faces right-wing militias. He faces massive drug cartels.

Columbia could certainly do a lot worse than President Uribe.