Friends, to rectify the outrage of November 7, we need look no further than our friendly southern neighbor for guidance. As you may know, Mexico had a somewhat contentious presidential election recently, which saw the loser swearing himself in as president: sort of an advanced AlGore maneuver. Well today the losing party's congressional contingent carried on the fight...uh...quite literally. From the AP:
Leftist lawmakers threw punches and chairs at their conservative colleagues and some tried to block the doors of the congressional chamber Friday just an hour before incoming President Felipe Calderon was to take the oath of office there.I'm tellin' ya folks, this tactic just may work for us in January. Denny Hastert's an old school wrestling coach and McCain sure seems a scrappy fellow. I see them taking care of business pretty well. The only problem is how to take down Webb. I hear he's vulnerable to the full nelson or the atomic knee drop, but he is most certainly one tough hombre. Perhaps a tag team approach would work. Regardless, we'd better get cracking on the plans.
Carlos Navarette, Senate leader for leftist Democratic Revolution, or PRD, said his party would do everything it could to keep Calderon out.
"We'll see if he can get in," Navarette said, adding: "If he does take office, it will be at his own risk."
(Update: Rats...Calderon was successfully sworn in after all. We'll definitely need to study what happened. We can risk no repeat of the mistakes made by the Mexican leftists.)