Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Low levels of Venezuelans protest Chavez power grab

Joe at Dictator Watch posted this story:

Hundreds of Venezuelans have protested in Caracas against a congressional measure that would grant Hugo Chavez, the country's president, unbridled powers to pass laws by decree.

The protest came as the pro-Chavez National Assembly said it would postpone granting final approval to allow him to enact laws by decree for an 18-month period.

Raising their hands in the air, some 400 to 500 protesters stood in a plaza and shouted in unison: "Faced with authoritarianism - more democracy."

I have to agree with the assessment that Joe gives:

Hopefully this number is underreported or just the start of mass protests. It would be highly disturbing if tens of thousands don't take to the streets.

It is as clear as day that Chavez intends to become the Castro of the 21st century, an oppressor of his own people acting as a thorn in the side of freedom and democracy.