Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cindy Sheehan ignores appeals to visit Cuban prisoners

We all know how much love St. Sheehan has for Hugo Chavez, so why on earth would she want to waste her time visiting the victims of Castro's Cuba when she can spend her time with victims of American imperialism?

Christopher Hitchens has said it many times, and it needs repeating. Those that call themselves anti-war are not anti-war. They are pro-war for the other side.

The Damas de Blanco, or Ladies in White, who march silently through the streets of Havana every Sunday in protest at the incarceration of political prisoners of the Castro regime, wrote a letter to Ms. Sheehan inviting her to visit Cuban prisons.

The Damas drew Ms. Sheehan's attention to the poor state of Cuban prisons, which they say lack clean drinking water and adequate food and where their relatives are imprisoned solely for speaking out against Fidel Castro's government.

The leader of Ms. Sheehan's trip, Medea Benjamin, said the American activists had not seen the letter and that they would be focusing solely on Guantanamo.

"It just so happens that this is where the [ Guantanamo] prisoners are," Ms. Benjamin said. That the group is visiting Cuba, where prisons define daily life for many, is "very incidental," she added.